IC&RC International Certificates

As a service to professionals holding reciprocal credentials, IC&RC provides International Certificates.

Displaying your certificate prominently and using the international acronym on professional materials can help you gain greater professional recognition. It also enhances your reputation in the profession and confirms your proficiency.

There are 8 international reciprocal certificates offered through IC&RC worldwide:

  • Internationally Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor (ICADC) ~ For the UK and Europe, this is earned from IC&RC UK & Europe CIC – Find the application details here.
  • Internationally Certified Advanced Alcohol & Drug Counselor (ICAADC)
  • Internationally Certified Clinical Supervisor (ICCS)
  • Internationally Certified Criminal Justice Addictions Professional (ICCJP)
  • Internationally Certified Prevention Specialist (ICPS)
  • Internationally Certified Peer Recovery (ICPR) ~ this is being developed for the UK.

International Certificates can be used by professionals to signify their international, reciprocal status. International Certificates are tied directly to a professional’s certification with an IC&RC member board. Professionals should contact their IC&RC Member Board to determine if their credential entitles them to an International Certificate. In the UK and Europe, email info@icrcuk.org.

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